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Version: 2.34.0

aperturectl cloud flow-control preview

Preview control points


Preview samples of flow labels or HTTP requests on control points

aperturectl cloud flow-control preview [--http] CONTROL_POINT [flags]


      --agent-group string   Agent group (default "default")
-h, --help help for preview
--http Preview HTTP requests instead of flow labels
--samples int Number of samples to collect (default 10)
--service string Service FQDN (default "any")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --access-token string   User Access Token to be used while connecting to Aperture Cloud
--config string Path to the Aperture config file. Defaults to '~/.aperturectl/config' or $APERTURE_CONFIG
--controller string Address of Aperture Cloud Controller
--insecure Allow connection to controller running without TLS
--project-name string Aperture Cloud Project Name to be used when using Cloud Controller
--skip-verify Skip TLS certificate verification while connecting to controller