Per-user Rate Limiting
The following policy is based on the Rate Limiting blueprint.
Rate limiting is a critical strategy for managing the load on an API. By imposing restrictions on the number of requests a unique consumer can make within a specific time frame, rate limiting prevents a small set of users from monopolizing the majority of resources on a service, ensuring fair access for all API consumers.
Aperture implements this strategy through its high-performance, distributed rate limiter. This system enforces per-key limits based on fine-grained labels, thereby offering precise control over API usage. For each unique key, Aperture maintains a token bucket of a specified bucket capacity and fill rate. The fill rate dictates the sustained requests per second (RPS) permitted for a key, while transient overages over the fill rate are accommodated for brief periods, as determined by the bucket capacity.
The diagram shows how the Aperture SDK interacts with a global token bucket to determine whether to allow or reject a request. Each call decrements tokens from the bucket and if the bucket runs out of tokens, indicating that the rate limit has been reached, the incoming request is rejected. Conversely, if tokens are available in the bucket, the request is accepted. The token bucket is continually replenished at a predefined fill rate, up to the maximum number of tokens specified by the bucket capacity.
Before exploring Aperture's rate limiting capabilities, make sure that you have signed up to Aperture Cloud and set up an organization. For more information on how to sign up, follow our step-by-step guide.
Rate Limiting with Aperture SDK
The first step to using the Aperture SDK is to import and set up Aperture Client:
- TypeScript
import { ApertureClient } from "@fluxninja/aperture-js";
// Create aperture client
export const apertureClient = new ApertureClient({
address: "",
apiKey: "API_KEY",
You can obtain your organization address and API Key within the Aperture Cloud
UI by clicking the Aperture
tab in the sidebar menu.
The next step is making a startFlow
call to Aperture. For this call, it is
important to specify the control point (rate-limiting-feature
in our example)
and the labels that will align with the rate limiting policy, which we will
create in Aperture Cloud in one of the next steps.
- TypeScript
const flow = await apertureClient.startFlow("rate-limiting-feature", {
labels: {
user_id: "some_user_id",
grpcCallOptions: {
deadline: + 300, // ms
Now, the next part is assessing whether a request is permissible or not by
checking the decision returned by the ShouldRun
call. Developers can leverage
this decision to either rate limit abusive users or to allow requests that are
within the limit. While our current example only logs the request, in real-world
applications, you can execute relevant business logic when a request is allowed.
It is important to make the end
call made after processing each request, in
order to send telemetry data that would provide granular visibility for each
- TypeScript
if (flow.shouldRun()) {
console.log("Request accepted. Processing...");
} else {
console.log("Request rate-limited. Try again later.");
Create a Rate Limiting Policy
- Aperture Cloud UI
- aperturectl
Navigate to the Policies
tab on the sidebar menu, and select Create Policy
in the upper-right corner. Next, choose the Rate Limiting blueprint and complete
the form with these specific values:
Policy name
: Unique for each policy, this field can be used to define policies tailored for different use cases. Set the policy name torate-limit-test
.Fill amount
: Configures the number of tokens added to the bucket within the selected interval. SetFill amount
.Bucket Capacity
: Defines the maximum capacity of the bucket in the rate limiter. Check the optionsame value for bucket capacity option
to set the same value for bucket capacity and fill amount.Interval
: Specifies the time amount of timeFill amount
will take to refill tokens in the bucket. SetInterval
to30 seconds
.Limit By Label Key
: Determines the specific label key used for enforcing rate limits. We'll useuser_id
as an example.Control point
: It can be a particular feature or execution block within a service. We'll userate-limiting-feature
as an example.
Once you've entered these six fields, click Continue
and then Apply Policy
to finalize the policy setup.
For this policy, a unique token bucket is created for each user identified by
their user_id
. Users are permitted to make up to 10 requests in a burst before
encountering rate limiting. As the bucket gradually refills with 10 requests
over a span of 30 seconds, users can make a restricted number of successive
If you haven't installed aperturectl yet, begin by following the Set up CLI aperturectl guide. Once aperturectl is installed, generate the values file necessary for creating the rate limiting policy using the command below:
aperturectl blueprints values --name=rate-limiting/base --output-file=rate-limit-test.yaml
Following are the fields that need to be filled for creating a rate limiting policy:
: Unique for each policy, this field can be used to define policies tailored for different use cases. Set the policy name torate-limit-test
: Configures the number of tokens added to the bucket within the selected interval. SetFill amount
: Defines the maximum capacity of the bucket in the rate limiter. Setbucket_capacity
: Specifies the time amount of timeFill amount
will take to refill tokens in the bucket. SetInterval
to30 seconds
: Determines the specific label key used for enforcing rate limits. We'll useuser_id
as an example.control_point
: It can be a particular feature or execution block within a service. We'll userate-limiting-feature
as an example.
Here is how the complete values file would look:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=../../../../../blueprints/rate-limiting/base/gen/definitions.json
blueprint: rate-limiting/base
uri: ../../../../../blueprints
policy_name: "rate-limit-test"
bucket_capacity: 10
fill_amount: 10
interval: 30s
limit_by_label_key: "user_id"
- control_point: "rate-limiting-feature"
The last step is to apply the policy using the following command:
aperturectl cloud blueprints apply --values-file=rate-limit-test.yaml
For this policy, a unique token bucket is created for each user identified by
their user_id
. Users are permitted to make up to 10 requests in a burst before
encountering rate limiting. As the bucket gradually refills with 10 requests
over a span of 30 seconds, users can make a restricted number of successive
Next, we'll proceed to run an example to observe the newly implemented policy in action.
Rate Limiting in Action
Begin by cloning the Aperture JS SDK.
Switch to the example directory and follow these steps to run the example:
- Install the necessary packages:
- Run
npm install
to install the base dependencies. - Run
npm install @fluxninja/aperture-js
to install the Aperture SDK.
- Run
- Run
npx tsc
to compile the TypeScript example. - Run
node dist/rate_limit_example.js
to start the compiled example.
Once the example is running, it will prompt you for your Organization address and API Key. In the Aperture Cloud UI, select the Aperture tab from the sidebar menu. Copy and enter both your Organization address and API Key to establish a connection between the SDK and Aperture Cloud.
Monitoring Rate Limiting Policy
After running the example for a few minutes, you can review the telemetry data
in the Aperture Cloud UI. Navigate to the Aperture Cloud UI, and click the
tab located in the sidebar menu. Then, select the rate-limiter-test
policy that you previously created.
Once you've clicked on the policy, you will see the following dashboard:
These two panels provide insights into how the policy is performing by monitoring the number of accepted and rejected requests along with the acceptance percentage. Observing these graphs will help you understand the effectiveness of your rate limiting setup and help in making any necessary adjustments or optimizations.