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2 posts tagged with "rate-limits"

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· 8 min read
Gur Singh
Nato Boram

This guest post is by CodeRabbit, a startup utilizing OpenAI's API to provide AI-driven code reviews for GitHub and GitLab repositories.

Since its inception, CodeRabbit has experienced steady growth in its user base, comprising developers and organizations. Installed on thousands of repositories, CodeRabbit reviews several thousand pull requests (PRs) daily. We have previously discussed our use of an innovative client-side request prioritization technique to navigate OpenAI rate limits. In this blog post, we will explore how we manage to deliver continuous, in-depth code analysis cost-effectively, while also providing a robust, free plan to open source projects.

· 12 min read
Gur Singh
Suman Kumar
Nato Boram

This is a guest post by CodeRabbit, a startup that uses OpenAI's API to provide AI-driven code reviews for GitHub and GitLab repositories.

Since CodeRabbit launched a couple of months ago, it has received an enthusiastic response and hundreds of sign-ups. CodeRabbit has been installed in over 1300 GitHub organizations and typically reviews more than 2000 pull requests per day. Furthermore, the usage continues to grow at a rapid pace, we are experiencing a healthy week-over-week growth.

While this rapid growth is encouraging, we've encountered challenges with OpenAI's stringent rate limits, particularly for the newer gpt-4 model that powers CodeRabbit. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of OpenAI rate limits and explain how we leveraged the FluxNinja's Aperture load management platform to ensure a reliable experience as we continue to grow our user base.